(This was an extract taking from last months main feature in Voyage magazine, you can still buy the magazine digitally here: https://13stewil.wixsite.com/voyagemagazine/buy-voyage-magazine)
"F**king dumb slut" "kill yourself you ugly whore" "Nobody would care about your s**t music if you didn't have a nice tits and ass" These are just some of the comments that Alexia "Lexi" Elliot has recived online in music from online strolls since her underground vaporwave hit album 'why bother" most of these were annoymous accounts and she has never found out who the real people behind those accounts were.
When asked about the particular vulgarity of the comments she said "I look back at them now and think they're kinda funny in a twisted way, like some of those people must have been REALLY angry at me just for making music. I just picture them typing it really fast with a really angry expression on their face and laugh. Like who's life is that sad to look at that and think 'yep that seems totally reasonable' but at the time it was awful, I would just spend hours crying because nothing can prepare you for some of the stuff that can get thrown your because no-one would dare to say that in public".
She continued to talk about her struggles with being woman in music in general:
"I think women get it worse than men in music. That's not saying men don't have to put up with horrible stuff in music as well but women can get all types of horrible stuff happen to them. Not only did I have to deal with the online comments but it was also the creeps asking for nudes, being constantly put down because my success was 'only because I was a woman in a male dominated genre or because I was good looking' and then always being compared to other female producers because we're a novelty to most people, the white whale that a woman would want to not just do dumb pop music. You look at history across all genres and women are compared in music. Cardi B and Nicki Manaj, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, Courtney Love and Gwen Stefani it's really viscous"
but she also explained how these struggles helped her embrace being a woman overall:
"I hesitate to say I'm glad it happened but I also don't hate that it did either, it's made me proud to be a woman. Before I didn't care about being a woman I thought it didn't matter but now I realise how important it is that I'm one of the first females to find success in vaporwave. You have to look back at some of the great female music icons like Grace Jones, Luaryn Hill, Kesha and Pussy Riot. They had some awful stuff happen to them but they always were proud of being a woman and they never let anyone take that away from them. So that's what I had to do and I hope I can make way for other girls so they can just go into any genre they want and people just to see them and go "oh she makes good music" instead of "she makes good music for a girl"