My brand identity was based on being a magazine about alternative/underground music and also having themes of growth and self discovery.
To achieve this across my magazines and website my main stories based on artists who had achieved some form of personal growth through their musical careers (or as my magazines title suggests a "voyage" ) . I presented this in both my cover models stories my first cover featured prophet who's journey is based on drawing inspiration from his hometown of Bristol and being more creative reflecting this in the magazine issues title "Learning from my hometown" on the magazine cover. In my second cover the artist Lexi Elliot's "voyage" refers to her struggle with sexism and her learning to ignore the sexism hence the magazine issue title "finding the merry through the misogyny"
To make it clear my magazine is a alternative/underground music magazine my cover lines refer to small music scenes and mixes to genres such as "How jazz has taken Liverpool by storm" and "new wave and metal, can it work?" Hence this would say to a reader that this magazine is a alternative music magazine